You can help us enrich the educational experience for every student.

Beyond the “traditional” classroom

Your membership with Chehalis PTO helps us fundraise to make sure that every Chehalis elementary student gets the opportunity to participate in engaging and exciting enrichment events that go beyond the “traditional” classroom curriculum — field trips to the local art gallery and glassworks, NW Trek, and the like.

We also bring exceptional experiences into the school, too, like the Reptile Man, Jeff Evans the magician, and Pioneer Farms.

Our grants to teachers also provide in-classroom support tools like wobble chairs and educational technology.

Not just experiences …

Last year, we distributed take-home books to every student.

Make a donation or become a member!

Whether you make a one-time donation or become an annual member, you’re helping provide incredible enrichment opportunities and supporting public education in Chehalis elementary schools.

Supplemental reading supports students impacted by learning gaps created by the pandemic.